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Outline Timetable

The 2-year course has 2 intakes per year.
Cohort 1 runs from October-March and cohort 2 runs from March-October.

Module A: Lighting Design

Module B: Light sources & Luminaires

Module C: Human Factors

Module D: Fundamentals

ASSIGNMENT 1 (3 weeks to complete)

Module E: Natural Light

ASSIGNMENT 2 (3 weeks to complete)

Module F: Interior Lighting

Module G: Lighting Controls

ASSIGNMENT 3 (3 weeks to complete)

Module H: DIALux software

Module I: Functional Exterior Lighting

Module J: Architectural Lighting

Module K: Environmental Impacts

ASSIGNMENT 4 (4 weeks to complete)

Module L: Emergency Lighting

Module M: Electrical installation

DESIGN PROJECT (10 weeks to complete)

Revision Period

Final Examination

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LET Brochure

The LET Diploma in Lighting Design is a 2-year  distance e-learning course in Lighting Design and is an industry-recognised and valued professional qualification in lighting. Download our brochure now to find out more about the LET and the course.
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