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Find out about available support.
The LET Diploma in Lighting Design course is fully supported by tutors and mentors: lighting designers and specialists in all subject matters. So, whilst in the first instance, reference to the course notes or to personal research should be your route to greater knowledge and understanding, where you are struggling or frustrated then you should contact the LET project tutors or the LET co-ordinator, who will be able respond with assistance to your problems and queries.
The suggested study time indicated for each module and chapter is intended as a guide, not a target! You may wish to spend considerably more time than suggested; equally, if you already have significant knowledge in some of the chapter subjects you may be able to reduce your study time from that suggested. You are the best person to decide – based upon your previous education, qualifications, employment and other time commitments.
It would also be of great benefit to you to become involved in professional lighting matters by attending seminars, events, and exhibitions. The simplest way to do this is by joining and being active in professional lighting associations. In undertaking the course you qualify for Student Membership of both the Society of Light & Lighting (SLL) and the Institution of Lighting Professionals (ILP) to help you on your way. Please note, although the provision is automatic, you still need to complete the relevant application forms; we encourage you to do this as, in addition to the hard copy SLL Code for Lighting and SLL Lighting Handbook which you will be given, you will also gain free access to the Knowledge Portal with access to hundreds of publications and lighting guides. There is also tremendous benefits to be had by joining the greater lighting community, so please do join.
Please be under no illusion, the LET Diploma in Lighting Design is a huge commitment to progress your education in lighting; the Diploma is an advanced education learning course and its outcome should be one of professional understanding encompassing the three attributes, of knowledge, experience and vision; learning ‘by rote’ at this level is not recommended - the secret is time investment, perseverance, discussion and above all, enjoyment.
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Additionally, The Worshipful Company of Lightmongers offer an award each year to the best individual student graduating from the LET Diploma in Lighting Design.
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Meet the Tutors

Find out about the tutors.

Kristina Allison, BA (Hons) MA CEng MSLL MCIBSE

Senior Lighting Designer – AtkinsRealis UK (Lighting)

Kristina is a senior lighting designer for AtkinsRealis with a background delivering sustainable lighting design and has passion for environmentally aware lighting solutions for infrastructure and transportation projects. She has worked in the lighting industry as a designer and consultant for 17 years and is a Chartered Engineer (CEng), Member of the Society of Light and Lighting (MSLL), Member of CIBSE (MCIBSE). Recently Kristina has project managed and co-authored the industry leading documents CIBSE/SLL -TM66 ‘Creating a Circular Economy in the Lighting Industry’ and CIBSE TM65.2 – ‘Embodied Carbon in Building Services: Lighting’, for which both are multi-award winning publications. Currently, she is vice-president of the Society of Light and Lighting (SLL), past-chair of the SLL Education committee and technical co-ordinator for the Lighting Education Trust (LET).

Iain MacRae

Iain is a Chartered Engineer, designer, consultant and trainer and director at the training company Light Unwrapped, delivering blended learning as a recognised expert. Part of the training Iain delivers is the nationally recognised two-day emergency lighting course covering the legislation, risks, design methods and professional competence required to work in emergency lighting. Iain specifies and designs lighting solutions as well as working on business and product strategy, and product development for new and existing clients. He is also a globally experienced senior manager, speaker and mentor within the lighting industry. He is past president of the Society of Light & Lighting (SLL) and Chair of SLL Lighting Guide LG5 - Lighting for Education. He also works as a committee member on British and European standards panels.

Ruth Kelly Waskett PhD CEng MCIBSE FSLL

Project Director (Lighting), Hoare Lea LLP

Ruth is a lighting consultant with a background in lighting design, engineering, and academia. She’s driven by the need to champion great lighting in buildings, with a focus on integrating natural and artificial light. She has a particular interest in the real-life issues associated with automated building technology, particularly those that offer daylight and lighting control. She also has an interest in the use of immersive technologies to help understand the impact of design decisions. Ruth was President of the Society of Light & Lighting (SLL) in 2021-22, a part of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE). She is a regular contributor at events in the Lighting and Built Environment industries. In 2022 she spoke at Hoare Lea’s flagship event, Designing the Future at the Royal Institution. Her talk, Blurred Lines, addressed the topic of how immersive technology and the metaverse could transform our understanding of reality and help us to design better. Ruth has contributed to several lighting guidance documents produced by CIBSE, SLL and others – most notably SLL Lighting Guide LG10 – Daylighting. She is a Board member of CIBSE and a visiting lecturer at University College London, with involvement in the MSc in Light & Lighting and MEng in Engineering & Architectural Design. Ruth was a winner in the Engineering category of the 2022 Women in Lighting Awards.

Alan Tulla FSLL, FILP

Alan Tulla FSLL, FILP, is an experienced lighting professional. He is both a qualified engineer and award-winning lighting designer. He is a Fellow and Past President of the Society of Light and Light (SLL) and holds their Diploma in Lighting. He is also a Fellow of the Institution of Lighting Professionals (ILP). Following many years in technical management for lighting equipment manufacturers, Alan worked as a specialist architectural lighting designer for engineering consultancies. He started his own consultancy in 2011, specialising in lighting for the exterior environment. During his career, he has lived and worked both in France and the Middle East. For many years Alan edited and wrote articles for the SLL Newsletter, Light Lines magazine. He was also the principal author and Chair of the SLL Guide LG6 - The Exterior Environment. Throughout much of this time Alan was also - Technical Editor of the industry journal Lux magazine for 10 years too.

LET Brochure

The LET Diploma in Lighting Design is a 2-year  distance e-learning course in Lighting Design and is an industry-recognised and valued professional qualification in lighting. Download our brochure now to find out more about the LET and the course.
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